I just watched this great short clip from FAI (Frontline Alliance Ministries) who do great work in the Middle East (support them if you can!) called: 5 reasons the vaccine mandate is NOT the mark of the beast.
I in principle agree with all the points, and have a few others to add, so I thought I would adapt and share, as I am not convinced about the Islamic Antichrist interpretation they hold. But credit to them for most of these points:
The Mark (MoB) will only be implemented immediately following the invasion of Jerusalem (Rev 13, cf. Mt 24:15-16, compare Luke 21:20).
The MoB will be implemented following the Abomination of Desolation and the revelation of the Antichrist (Mt 24:15-16, cf. Rev 13:5-8,12 , cf. Dan11:31,36).
The MoB will be implemented globally (not in some places, but not others).
Taking the MoB will accompany worshipping the Beast / Antichrist as a visible action. Everyone that takes the MoB will be dedicating themselves to worship Antichrist and the Dragon, alone (Rev 13:7-8, 14-15, cf. Rev 17:16)
The penalty for not taking the MoB and worshipping the AC will be death. Not isolation, restrictions, fines, jail.
Note: The FAI team interpret the Antichrist as being an Islamic leader uniting the Middle-East Islamic world and leading the end times Islamic Antichrist empire. Notwithstanding its many strengths, I am not convinced by this interpretation (in particular, because Dan Ch 2 and 7, and potentially Dan 9:26-27, all cross referenced with Rev 13 support the revived neo-Roman empire theory in my view). I have adapted above to neutralise that aspect, without meaning any disrespect.
There are 4 additional points that I would add.
6. We have not seen the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period, which will be marked by the signing of the 7-year covenant with Israel by the Antichrist (Dan 9:27). Since the MoB only comes half way through this 7 year period at the point of the Abomination of Desolation, and the 7 year period has not commenced, the AoD can also not yet have arrived.
(SIDEBAR: # 7 and 8 are more subjective as they depend on the tribulation chronology / timeline you believe provides the best synthesis of the biblical data. FAI hold to a chronology similar to Mike Bickle's, in which all 7 Seals, Trumpets and Bowls take place during last 3.5 years, aka the Great Tribulation. By contrast, it's my reading that the 7th trumpet IS the Great Tribulation since the 7th trump is the 3rd woe (Rev 8:15, 9:12; 11:14; Rev 12:12), and that woe is the devil being cast to the earth (Rev 12:12), and it is a woe because of what the devil does when thrown down to the earth which is to raise up the 2 beasts for the 42 month Great Tribulation (Rev 13:1, 11). By implication the 7 seals and first 6 trumpets take place before the Great Tribulation. With that basic point on chronology in mind...)
7. Similar to point 6: since the MoB is implemented after the AoD at the start of the 7th trumpet (Dan 9:27, Rev 13:5, Mt 24:15), by implication it comes AFTER the 7 seals and first 6 trumpets, which have certainly not taken place yet. (Seal #6 & 7 and the 7 trumpets have definitely not taken place, history and common sense tells us that. While it is more subjective, my view is that the earlier Seals have also not taken place yet)
8. The vaccine is not associated with a mark on the hand or forehead, while the MoB will be (Rev 13:16). I see no reason to avoid a literal interpretation of the MoB being a physical mark on the hand or forehead. "it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,5to be marked on the right hand or the forehead".
9. Countless truly wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ have taken the vaccine but not switched to worshipping Satan or the Antichrist. Several I know love Jesus more than ever.
Ergo, while it may lay some of the sociological, cultural, psychological, legal and technological foundations for the eventual MoB, therefore foreshadow it and therefore give us the grils, the Covid vaccine itself seems not to fit the biblical data on the characteristics of the MoB.
Maranatha! ;-)