SERIES: COVID-19 & End Times
Without question, things have shifted dramatically in 2020 since the Corona Virus brought about police state lockdowns in what seems like half the world! Suddenly our streets look like the early days of the tribulation in a bunch of end times drama's like the 'Left Behind' series, and we have social media posts explaining the link between these events and the New World Order that will usher in the Antichrist's reign! Here is a very good example: (40min message!)
Given the sudden and dramatic changes and the compelling and alarming words like this, it's completely natural to be wondering 'could this be the beginning of the end?', to feel confused and concerned, and looking for truth to anchor into.
The good news is we have The Truth, and He is with us to lead us into all truth!
Before interrogating this word itself, and even asking whether we should, there is something of infinitely higher value to do. So, let us for the moment leave aside the question of what current events might mean. In fact, let us even assume the worst. What if, hypothetically, the word above is true, and all is unfolding as he says? (it could be - and we will discuss that in a later post).
Well the first thing we can then agree is that the Book of Revelation would instantly become one of our most valued guides, since it uniquely focuses extensively on the final generation of this age, the Anti-Christ's rule, the Tribulation period, and the life of believers at that time.
So what does the Book of Revelation tell us? What is its main message? Yes, there is the conflict. The battle between the forces of darkness, and God's people. There is the rage of satan, and the rule of his antichrist. But to focus on those things would be to focus in entirely the wrong place.
Because fundamentally this is a love story. It is a book about the God-Man preparing for eternity with His Bride.
It begins with the Son of Man (Ch 1), preparing to take possession of His inheritance (Ch 4), who therefore takes responsibility (Ch 5) for cleansing the earth of all that resists and hinders love and righteousness and justice and perfecting His Bride (Ch6-19) so that He may marry her and enjoy ruling with her forever on a completely renewed and perfected earth (Ch19-22), and gives her clear instructions to prepare herself for the big day while she waits (Ch2-3). It is a majestic story, and the best thing about it is that it is MY story (and yours!).
So, If these things turn out to be upon us, it means many things for us. Jesus gives us very specific guidance on how to orient our heart, in Luke and Mathew and in Revelation, where He teaches about those days. 3 main points, for now:
1. It is GOOD NEWS.
As Jesus commanded after describing that perilous time,
“Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”” (Luke 21:28)
We need to fundamentally reorient our priorities, our desires, our plans and pursuits so that we can truly lift up our heads and look forward with longing to the fulfillment of all the good things promised which lay ahead in our Homeland!
2. It is a trumpet call to 'all-in' intimacy and faithfulness.
““But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”” (Luke 21:34–36)
The Lord calls us to watch and be ready, not squandering our hours and days in the vanity fairs of this life, but watching and praying that we may escape (with our faith and hope and salvation unscathed) these things. That does not mean ceasing our responsibilities and service, but the ways we've been sucked into worldliness and vanity. Work is good, service is good; Netflix binges, the jol, and a thousand other vanities are poor stewardship and love of the world.
3. It is a call to Revelation Chapter 1-5 - to wonder and awe, and purity and power. The most important part of the Book of Revelation for us is not the sensational and terrifying parts (the demonic hordes unleashed on the earth in Ch8-9, Satan's rage and the antichrist reign in Chapter 12-13, the Bowl judgments in Ch 15-16), but the glorious parts in Ch 1, 4, 5 where Jesus is revealed in His majesty (we really need to get to know Him as the One coming in glory and majesty to rule forever! The Government is on His shoulders, and of the increase of His government there will be no end! Isa 9), and the pastoral parts in Ch 2-3 where the matchless Shepherd speaks from His heart to the church. We need to repent (5 / 7 church types in Ch 2-3 are called to repent of that which hinders His glory being manifested in their midst) and fully embrace and reveal Him.
To manifest His perfect image in the earth is our destiny and identity.
It is not a time for fear, but for boldness! Jesus is the only hope for the world, and we are His mouthpiece, His hands and His feet. We have a job to get done. 'Go therefore' He said 'and make disciples of all men, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded'.
So when we feel there may be signs the time is short, its not time to hunker down in fear. Its precisely the opposite. It is the time to make sure we are 'all in' on the mission we've been entrusted with: set our hearts on our King and our homeland with Him, focus on loving Him well (be a people of first love), accordingly pray always, be channels for people to encounter Jesus, love much, never cease doing good.
Next, we'll talk a bit more about the signs and the times and what they mean…
Grace and peace…