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Jason Goldberg

What to 'watch' right now - Part 2: The 13 pre-Antichrist signs

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

So what should we watch for in respect to the pre-Antichrist signs?

2 of these 13 pre-Antichrist signs have been fulfilled (#1 & 4); 11 are still in the process of maturing. While these could mature over centuries for all we know, as a whole they have made remarkable progress every decade over the last 50 years, and the pace is accelerating dramatically with each passing year. Some of those signs that are maturing at an alarming rate before our very eyes today are. Before talking about some of these, remember, the illusion of darkness advancing simply masks the fact that God is sovereign over all these things and will use them to create the perfect conditions for the greatest ingathering of souls to Christ in history! Hallelujah. The Lord is shaking all things, so that the Unshakeable Rock may be revealed to the nations! Even as the nations rage, He Who sits in heaven laughs - He holds them in derision. It is like me watching the most sophisticated coup attempt in history by an army of 6 ants, floating on a leaf in the toilet as I flush it. Never be impressed by the devil's handy work. Always remember Him who called hooked the Assyrian by his nose and compelled him to battle to do His bidding. The Lord is the master strategist and He will use these things to bring in the 'biggest catch' of saved souls in history. Praise God.

So here are 3 signs unfolding at an alarming pace:

5. The tech, legal and social platform for centralized global totalitarian government of everybody

  • Tech: the 'internet of things' - sensors, cameras and microphones everywhere, constantly monitoring and reporting everything 'into the cloud'; combined with the coming global unique digital identity for each person, with facial biometrics that enable identifying anybody, anywhere; massive scale cloud computing with cloud AI, enabling constant, real time AI-driven surveillance of everything that everybody says and does; the proliferation of 5G towers and devices that enable massive data transfers e.g. of video surveillance); and a cashless society with programmable digital money, which means they can 'turn off' any individuals' money at any time for being law-breaking / 'non-compliant'; it is easy to see the Big Brother' technology infrastructure being built before our very eyes.

  • Legal: human rights and hate laws creating the framework for persecuting citizens for non-compliance with diabolical dictates, under the pretense of 'protection', 'justice', 'climate justice', generational justice', etc

  • Social: 'activism' and 'cancel culture' are just 2 of the pillars of decentralized policing by the citizenry, who have been brainwashed to accept the 'new canon' of social justice as their own, and to embrace enforcement of compliance as their calling (called 'activism'), producing citizen spying and policing.

7. Platform for a single global government.

100 years ago, nation states (at least the free world) were more or less sovereign, masters of their own destinies. Things have changed:

  • International treaties (e.g. on climate) - these create a super-national legal framework of statues and obligations to which national governments are beholden.

  • International loans - most nations have now borrowed enormous sums from international banks like the IMF, and need to keep borrowing to avoid national ruin. This financial dependency means disaster for nations that are cut off for non-compliance with international requirements.

These mechanisms result in nationally elected democratic governments being subordinate to an unelected global technocratic ruling class with an agenda quite different to national voting populations. This global government is quite invisible, maintaining the illusion of continued national democratic government. This is literally a global coup of every nation that is party to these international agreements and financial relationships that has taken place slowly over the last 70 years, and accelerated dramatically since the 80's.

9. Emergence of a Babylonian world religion

  • Ecumenical movement - before our very eyes, leaders of the 'great religions' are forging a 'new understanding', an 'ecumenical brotherhood', a 'unity amongst faiths', situating mosques, churches and shuls next to each other for shared worship. This ecumenical religion presents itself as accepting, tolerant, being 'family' with sibling faiths. Ultimately, it calls all to worship prosperity and man-made peace, while sacrificing on the altar of that prosperity and peace the truth that there is 1 God, 1 Creator, 1 Truth, 1 Book of Truth, 1 faith, and all must repent and turn to the true God. Expect that, as the shaking of the nations intensifies over the coming decade and people seek solace in this new faith without the confines of truth, that these global faiths will increasingly merge into 1 effective whole that absorbs the underlying parts. Those who resist this merging of faiths will be sidelined, then branded as bigots and haters, and then persecuted and burnt at the stake as witches.

  • Social Justice - also before our very eyes, a new definition of social justice is replacing trust in God's Word and obedience to His commands. This 'social justice' is premised on human rights, the 'laws' of secular humanism that denies God, and frequently contradicts and directly mocks God's commands. Christians are being seduced by this wine of Babylon and lured away from the true faith, in their millions. The young in particular (millennials and younger) have drunk deep of Babylon's wine and are completely blind to its stupefying effects.

That's just a tiny sample of how these leaves are maturing before our very eyes.

Next, we'll cover the second category of Signs that could be imminent: the 7 Seal judgments, beginning with 'the rider on the white horse'.

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