When talking about 'the signs of the end times', the most common signs I hear mentioned are (1) The mark of the beast (2) the rapture, and (3) the building of the 3rd temple in Jerusalem (necessary for fulfilment of Dan 9:27, Dan 12:11, Isa Ch 63-66, and Rev Ch11).
(1) The 'mark of the Beast'
Since that only appears after the mid-point of the Tribulation, there will be many more prominent signs long before that takes place. That does not mean we won't see foreshadows of the eventual mark. I believe we will. We will no doubt see see the technological, legal, and cultural that will enable that end times economic system. But we won't see the mark of the beast itself until we know with certainty we are in the midst of the Tribulation and the antichrist is known to us. And don't need to worry we will be 'tricked' into taking the mark of the beast. More on that later.
(2) The rapture (the pre-tribulation rapture in particular)
I believe the scriptures are clear that there will indeed be a rapture, but don't support a pre-tribulation rapture. Instead, the rapture will take place after the tribulation, when Christ returns. So that is clearly not a sign until Christ's appearance in the sky (or shortly before then). Lord willing, I will make the case for this position in detail, in the next blog series. If you hold a different view, lets agree to disagree.
(3) The building of the 3rd temple in Jerusalem
I want to share 3 main points, and a conclusion, regarding the 3rd temple.
A temple will be built in Jerusalem in the last days. While this is not a temple that will have any significance or value in the true faith and worship of God under the New Covenant (or the Mosaic one!), it is not an insignificant event from a historical and eschatological perspective. It must be present for several end times prophecies to be fulfilled. If we bare in mind that a temple has not existed in Jerusalem for 19 and a half centuries, it is of great eschatological significance that discussions are well-progressed regarding the rebuilding of the temple, and it is not misplaced to call it the 'end times temple' simply because it has no salvific or indeed even ceremonial function in the true faith of God. Prophecy simply points to its existence, without implying any relevance to the true worship of God.
However, scripture does not clearly discuss the building of this 3rd temple, or the timing thereof. So we cannot unambiguously link the process of building that temple to any particular end times timing.
That being said, it seems impossible to consider the building of the temple under current geopolitical circumstances. Indeed, it is hard to imagine Israel building the 3rd temple without a profound shift in geopolitical circumstances. It is for this reason that many, myself included, believe it is most likely that the 3rd temple will be rebuilt after the Antichrist signs a 7 year 'covenant of peace' with the nation of Israel (Dan 9:27, Isa 28:15-18), clearing the path for the temple to be rebuilt, under the protection of the international order.
Given the uncertainty surrounding the timing of the rebuilt temple, and the plausibility of it only being rebuilt after the Tribulation begins, we cannot say with confidence the temple must be built prior to the birth pang signs. For that reason it is not included in the 13 pre-Antichrist signs.
However, we should be attentive to any material progress regarding this event and, should it happen prior to the Tribulation, we can rightly see it as yet another harbinger of end times events being closer than ever before.