In the previous post, we examined the profound contrast between what science suggests about how to handle the Covid pandemic, and how it is actually being handled. The data is clear: Covid policies contradict what science says is in the best interests of public health, and we are being lied to. That's why a large and growing numbers of scientists, medical specialists and health practitioners from the likes of Stanford, the Harvard Medical Faculty, John Hopkins Hospital, Yale, etc and some of the biggest associations of medical professionals have been sounding the alarm for over a year.
How do we explain the disconnect between science and Covid policies?
So that multifaceted disconnect between the science and the anti-scientific policies enacted by not one but a baffling number of health agencies, national governments, state actors, and countless businesses is 'the data'. What theory best explains 'the data'?
Hypothesis 1 - Conspiracy | /kənˈspɪrəsi/ | noun: 'secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'
There are many conspiracy theories circulating in the social media, ranging from the 'alien elite super race working to depopulate the earth' conspiracy, to the more run of the mill theory that Big Pharma has essentially bought enough senior officials and organisations to perpetuate this highly profitable crime against humanity (an established practice, merely at a larger scale than before!). Key points vary dramatically (the who? and why? theories, many details -like vaccine contents and dangers, and whether the vaccines themselves are even an issue - and degree of factual basis with evidence), but at the heart is a shared pattern of explanation summarised by the term 'organised conspiracy'.
Hypothesis #2 - Situational incompetence: Some kind soul suggested that perhaps it is just the outcome of human bureaucrats making big decisions with huge stakes under time pressure and with limited data (on Covid's spread and lethalness, vaccine efficacy and safety, other treatment methods, etc). After all, its easy to criticize decisions made under pressure, in a hurry, with limited data in retrospect and from our arm chairs.
So which hypothesis has greater explanatory power for the data?
HYPOTHESIS #1: An organised conspiracy?
HYPOTHESIS #2: The situational incompetence described above?
We have a really effective way of testing which of the above 2 hypotheses better explains the data. If this whole Covid drama playing out as a train wreck in slow motion is just a series of understandable mistakes by various actors 'playing their role' best they can under the circumstances, then we would expect to see them taking decisions and actions more or less in line with their mission and rule set (e.g. journalists applying established norms of journalistic ethics; business applying the profit motive and corporate citizenship in familiar ways; etc). In contrast, if this is an orchestrated conspiracy, we would instead expect to see an alarming frequency of institutional actors across spheres of society taking decisions and actions that defy logic and norms, in a non-random way (i.e. having a kind of uniformity of direction).
So let's do the analysis.
Lets start by identifying the actors in this drama. The most prominent seem to have been: (1) The World Health Organisation; (2) National public health authorities (e.g. the FDA in the USA); (3) The scientific and medical community; (4) Big Tech (especially, information organisations like Google, Facebook, et al); (5) Big Media, especially news outlets; (6) National and state governments (e.g. the Biden administration); (7) Big Business in general (global banks, etc).
We are testing for 2 main things:
1. Internal congruence - congruence between a mission and mandate aligned response (in light of the science and their role in society and historical normative principles of operation), and their actual response. Congruence suggests 'all is well' (even if we don't like it); occasional internal incongruence is normal; sustained, glaring incongruence is a red flag for malfeasance.
2. Randomness vs. consistency - is incongruence random across time, actors/organizations, and nations, or more uniform? Randomness suggests human error; consistency suggests orchestration.
IF we find evidence of: EITHER internal congruence, OR randomness of incongruence THEN, we have proven Hypothesis 2 has stronger support.
IF we find evidence of BOTH internal incongruence AND consistency of that incongruence across time, actors, and nations,
THEN, we have proven Hypothesis 1 has stronger support. .
Now below is by no means a robust analysis. But it is sufficient to lay bare the obvious.
First follows a brief summary.
The more detailed analysis with linked sources follows at the bottom of this post, if you have the appetite for it.
'The science' against which we evaluate these actors' policies and actions is covered here.
(1) The World Health Organisation |
| |
(2) National public health authorities (e.g. the FDA in the USA) |
| |
(3) The scientific and medical community |
| |
(4) Big Tech (especially, information organisations like Google, Facebook, et al) |
| |
(5) Big Media, especially news outlets |
| |
(6) National and state governments (e.g. the Biden administration) |
| |
(7) Vaccine Mandate Big Business |
All these actors demonstrate profound internal incongruence. In general, they are following the same 'Covid Orthodoxy' - ultimately, playing their part to drive towards 100% vaccination with experimental Covid vaccines as fast as their stakeholders will allow them to go - in stark contradiction to the science (especially regarding natural immunity, alternative treatments, and vaccinating children, but also regarding the ineffectiveness of mask mandates and lockdowns) and the fundamental principles that theoretically govern their policies and actions.
The internal incongruence of these actors is not random. While there is obviously nuance and diversity in responses, there is a much stronger signal of consistency on a handful of key issues which indicates background orchestration, in 3 ways:
First, it is aligned across nations and actors in a way that is contrary to science and logic. All these actors are striving (even when such action contradicts the science and their operating norms) relentlessly to eliminate all alternatives to vaccination (e.g. effective alternative early treatments, natural immunity, endemic progression) and driving towards mass, mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports.
Secondly, it is remarkably synchronous, or taking place in 'lockstep' (in line with the 'Lockstep scenario' developed by the World Economic Forum for a pandemic just like this).
Third, it is steadfast in direction over time, headed relentlessly towards mandatory mass vaccination, vaccine passports, and vaccine-apartheid societies regardless of changes in the scientific data which demand a change in approach (e.g. ignore avalanche of data proving effectiveness of early treatment protocols and natural immunity, dominance of prior infection in populations resulting in populations being already protected and not requiring mass vaccination, and declining risk posed by less dangerous new strains like Omicron which justifies eliminating costly interventions like lockdowns and certainly backing off from vaccine mandates)
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it is probably a....?
We find strong evidence of BOTH internal incongruence AND consistency of that incongruence across time, actors, and nations, so we must conclude Hypothesis 1 has stronger support. Hypothesis 2 is simply not credible. The data is clear, the pattern is obvious. The disconnect between science and policy is not a random set of mis-steps explained by pressure, urgency, lack of data, and human decision-making. Rather, there is a clear pattern of the most powerful actors in this Covid drama acting contrary to their core mandates and norms on a handful of critical issues, in a synchronized manner, in support of the specific agenda of getting 100% of the population vaccinated and included in a digital vaccine passport (and ID) system. They appear to be acting in chorus, with the following agenda:
MANUFACTURE FEAR: Fear is a great controlling device. After love, fear is the most powerful way to control people. But love can't be manufactured and fear can. Furthermore, campaigns to induce fear in the broader population (e.g. by sustaining a continuous campaign of misleading and terrifying reporting about an invisible, omnipresent, deadly threat, complimented by jarring symbols and rituals of crisis and danger, like masks and posters everywhere and lockdowns and school closures) have been proven to be effective at inducing a state of 'mass hypnosis' by skilled social engineers and enabling mass social control.
REPLACE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE WITH AUTOCRATIC RULE: Declare a state of disaster to justify 'temporary' emergency ruling bodies and powers. Use those powers to bypass democratic processes, short-circuit checks and balances, suspend individual rights and freedoms, force through new laws (e.g. censorship, mass surveillance, legalizing forced quarantine in quarantine camps, etc), impose police states, etc.
CREATE DESPERATION FOR RESOLUTION: Sustain painful circumstances (lockdowns, school closures, ban alcohol and leisure, close businesses and cause job losses etc) to motivate compliance with measures required to 'return normalcy'. Frame the situation as “we need everybody to get vaccinated to end lockdowns and open our economies” (though this is an obvious butchering of the facts to justify state and big business coercion and engineer public coercion).
ELIMINATE VACCINE ALTERNATIVES: Discredit, ban, stigmatise and deny alternatives to vaccination (infection-induced immunity, early treatment with proven anti-viral therapies);
AGGRESSIVELY DRIVE 100% VACCINATION STRATEGY: drive for mass vaccination; eliminate all barriers (pay for them, get a free KFC voucher, bring the vaccine to you, etc); harness tools of mass psychological manipulation to compel vaccination; continuously move the goalposts so that 'just 1 more action' leads to freedom, continuously; punish non-compliant; ratchet up pressure until 100% compliance achieved.
We must make 3 observations about the above findings, and the implications.
[1] This is a coup. This orchestrated conspiracy constitutes no less than an effective coup:
Replacement of democratic governments and processes with 'state of emergency' autocratic ruling structures that amount to unelected medical dictatorships.
Replacement of national independence and sovereignty with a global medical tyranny that seems to dictate to nations (e.g. how South Africa has been bullied into implementing Vaccine Mandates in order to rescue our aviation and tourism sectors). Sure, our national governments remain in place, but hidden actors now have the power to ensure we are all forced to get injected with Covid vaccines and get vaccine passports or get excluded from our new vaccine apartheid societies.
Hijacking of some of the most powerful institutions that govern our societies (e.g. local health regulators by the international healthcare mafia, local media by the international 'Trusted News Initiative' media control body, big business by international shareholders with an agenda).
Hijacking 'policy definition and implementation' (e.g. vaccine mandates) - typically the domain of government - by Big Business interests aligned to the global Covid agenda.
Suppression of individual rights and freedoms enshrined in democratic constitutions, by emergency laws and growing police states.
[2] It is a global coup: for the first time in history, we are witnessing an attempted (hidden, deceitful) coup of most nations concurrently.
[3] It is being perpetrated by means of deception. Most people still think we live in democracies, where our trusty governments and the other powerful actors are fighting Covid for our safety, and that their democratically elected officials are making decisions in the interests of public health and wellbeing. They have no idea this pandemic is merely the cloak veiling a take-over of our free and democratic societies by autocrats with an agenda. They are stuck in the Matrix carrying on with their lives oblivious to the power transfer that is happening under our noses because its all been cloaked in the Covid narrative, dutifully propagated by the captured media and big tech, and parroted by captured officials and big business spokesmen.
A global coup, effected by deception. Just like the coming white horse rider in Revelation Ch 6. That is what we are living through, and that is why we should be paying profound attention to how this all unfolds...
Psalm 2 1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, 3 “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” 4 He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. 5 Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, 6 “As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” 7 I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. 8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” 10 Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.
Click any arrow below to expand header and read more.
1. The World Health Organisation
2. National public health authorities and regulators
3. The scientific and medical community
4. Big Tech
5. Big Media, especially news outlets
6. National and state governments (e.g. the Biden administration)
7. Big Business
Eschatological background to the Covid crisis - Part 1: Knowing the signs of the times
Eschatological background to the Covid crisis - Part 2: The end times chronology
Eschatological background to the Covid crisis - Part 3: The 3 phases of end times signs
Eschatological background to the Covid crisis - Part 4: 13 Signs Antichrist is coming soon
Eschatological background to the Covid crisis - Part 5: What about the temple, rapture, & mark?
Eschatological background to the Covid crisis - Part 6: The Signs of the times
Signs to watch for right now Part 1: 2 sets of signs to watch right now
Signs to watch for right now Part 2: The 13 pre-Antichrist signs
Signs to watch for right now Part 3: The coming rider on the white horse
Signs to watch for right now Part 4: 10 reasons we do not believe in a pre tribulation rapture